About Us

Why are we designing thirdplaces?

Our Why

To create a world where people gather to create meaningful connection.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make intentional design accessible and available to everyone.

Our Values

  1. Joy - we find joy in the work we do and spread that joy to our clients.
  2. Community - we seek to build trust and long lasting connection with our clients and the local area we inhabit.
  3. Collaboration - we strive towards open and clear communication in each step of the process.
  4. Honor - we respect each other's time and opinions.
  5. Wholehearted - wherever you are, be all there. We recognize that every area of life is intertwined. We the health of each individual and encourage harmony in our lifestyles.
  6. Learning - we experiment with new things, grow from failures, and develop leadership.
  7. Gratitude - we aspire to celebrate the journey and express gratitude in unexpected ways.
  8. Beauty - we strive to create design that meets functional needs, but also goes above and beyond to make the world a better place.

Jessica Hardin

Interior Designer

My design story began in my bedroom when I was nine years old. Growing up the northwest, I enjoyed the outdoors, but also rearranging my bedroom. The passion for design and organizing continued to grow as I received my Bachelors of Arts in Interior Design. Then, has matured as I apply the concepts, ideas, and creativity to my everyday work in the architecture/design field. My 12+ years of experience spans many project types from church, non-profits, coffee shops, public & private schools, office space, and more. Creating environments that encourage and inspire the inhabitants is my goal.

In my learning endeavors, I strive to find essentialist methods to my workflow and continually improve my communication with the teams I work with. Having opportunities to mentor and share creative insights sparks my fire!

To broaden my creative juices, I started a blog to help women organize their home around what matters most to them (threelimepines.com). With a growing audience and consistent content, I’ve learned about writing, marketing, social media, and the importance of sharing your story with others.

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